Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Eclips AngularJS dev environment

I'm working on my Contracts application with AngularsJS. I'm using Eclips Luna for this development. Maybe not ideal, but since I have to create 3 tiers being Db layer, Rest service layer and UI layer (HTML) I feel it is the best and it is completely free (so is the rest of everything I use to develop the SPA (Single page application).

Here is a screen shot of the 3 projects:

It speaks rather for itself. The Contracts DB project creates a JAR file that is used by the Contracts Rest server application. This way I can separate the work. The ContractsDB contains units test to test all of my Db capabilities, so I can rest assured it will keep working after DB or code changes in my DB layer.

For The rest server and the Contracts web I made two seperate Tomcat Server instances (version 8.01), Like So:

I did this so I can test on one PC the fact that in production the HTML web server will probably be on an other server then the Services implementation. Do not forget the change the port of one of the servers, otherwise the second will not start. You can change the properties f the server by double clicking on it.

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